
Peace, Love, Joy, and Imagination…

We are controlled by the bankers…



The truth to it all is the goverment is not run by the goverment but by the bankers. The U.S. has been putting themselves into financial slavery since the early 1900’s.

“So what is a central bank? A central bank is an institution that produces the currency of an entire nation. Based on historical precedent, two specific powers are inherent in central banking practice: the control of interest rates and the control of the money supply, or inflation. The central bank does not simply supply a government’s economy with money, it loans it to them at interest. Then through the use of increasing and decreasing of supply of money the central bank regulates the value of the currency being issued. It is critical to understand that the entire structure of this system can only produce one thing in the long run: DEBT.

It doesn’t take a lot of ingenuity to figure their scam now. For, every single dollar produced by the central bank is loaned at interest. That means every single dollar produced is actually the dollar plus a certain percent of debt based on that dollar. And since the central bank has the monopoly of the production of the currency for the entire country and they loan each dollar out with an immediate debt attached to it, where does the money that pay for the debt come from? It can only come from the central bank again. Which means the central bank has to perpetually increase its money supply to temporarily cover the outstanding debt created which in turn, since that new money is loaned out at interest as well creates even more debt? The end result of this system without fail is slavery for it is impossible for the government, and thus the public, to ever come out of the self-generating debt. The founding fathers of this country were well aware of this.

“I believe that banking institution are more dangerous than standing armies… If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency… the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
-Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826).

“If you want to remain slaves of the bankers and pay for the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation’s credit”
-Sir Josiah Stamp (1880-1941)

By the early 20th century the US have already implemented and removed a few central banking systems, which were swindled into place by the ruthless banking interests. At this time, the dominate families in the banking and business world were: J.D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, Baron Rothschild. And in they early 1900’s they sought to push once again legislation to create another central bank. However, they knew the Government and public were very wary of such an institution. So they needed to create an incident to affect the public opinion. So J.P.Morgan, publicly considered a financial luminary at the time, exploited his mass influence by publishing rumours about a prominent bank in New York wasn’t solvent or bankrupt. Morgan new this would cause mass hysteria which would affect other banks as well. And it did. The public in fear of losing their deposits immediately began mass withdrawals. Consequently, the banks were forced to call in their loans causing their recipients to sell their property and thus the spiral of bankruptcies, repossessions and turmoil emerged.

Putting the pieces together a few years later, Fredrik Allen of Life Magazine wrote: “The Morgan interests took advantage… to participate the panic [of 1907] guiding it shrewdly as it progressed” –Frederik Allen, Life Magazine.
Unaware of the fraud, the panic of 1907 led to the Congressional investigation headed by Senator Nelson Aldrich, who had intimate ties to the banking cartels and later became part of the Rockefeller family through marriage. The commission led by Aldrich recommended a central bank should be implemented so a panic like 1907 could never happen again. This was the spark that international bankers needed to initiate their plan.
In 1910 a secret meeting was held at the J.P.Morgan’s estate on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. It was there that the central banking bill called the Federal Reserve Act was written. This legislation was written by bankers, not law makers. This meeting was so secretive, so concealed from Government and public knowledge that the 10 or so figures who attended disguised their names when in route to the island. After this bill was constructed, it was then handed over to their political front man, Senator Nelson Aldrich, to push through Congress.

And in 1913, with heavy political sponsorship by the bankers, Woodrow Wilson became president, having already agreed to sign the Federal Reserve Act in exchange for campaign support. And two days before Christmas, when most of Congress was at home with their families, the Federal Reserve Act was voted in and Wilson in turn made it law.

Years later Woodrow Wilson wrote, in regret: “[Our] Great Industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.. who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom.”
“We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world –no government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.”
-Woodrow Wilson

Congressman Louis McFadden also expressed the truth after the passage of the bill: “A world banking system was being set up here… a superstate controlled by international bankers.. acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. The FED has usurped the government.” Now, the public was told that the Federal Reserve System was economic stabilizer and inflation and economic crises were thing of the past. Well, as history has shown, nothing was further from the truth. The fact is, the international bankers now had a streamline machine to expand their personal ambitions.
For example, from 1914 to 1919 the Fed increased the money supply by nearly 100% resulting in extensive loans to small banks and the public. Then, in 1920 the Fed called in mass percentages of the outstanding money supply. Thus resulting in the supporting banks having to call in huge numbers of loans and just like 1907, bank runs, bankruptcy and collapse occurred. Over 5,400 competitive banks outside of the Federal Reserve System collapsed further consolidating the monopoly of the small group of international bankers.

Privy to this crime, Congressman Lindbergh stepped up and said in 1921: “Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientifically created one, worked out as we figure a mathematical equation.” –Charles Lindbergh

However, the panic of 1920 was just a warm-up. From 1921 to 1929 the Fed again increased the money supply resulting once again in extensive loans to the public and banks. There was also a fairly new type of loan called the margin loan in the stock market. Very simply, the margin loan allowed an investor to put down only 10% of the stock’s price with the other 90% being loaned from the broker. In other words, a person could own a $1000 worth of stock, with only a $100 down. This method was very popular in the roaring 1920’s as everyone seemed to be making money in the market. However, there was a catch to this loan. It could be called in at any time and had to be paid within 24 hours. This is termed “a margin call”, and a typical result of a margin call was the selling of the stock purchased with the loan.
So, a few months before October in 1929, J.D.Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch and other insiders quietly exited the market. And on October 24th, 1929 the New York financiers who furnished the margin loans started calling them in, in mass. This sparked an instantaneous massive sell off in the market for everyone who had to cover the margin loans. It then triggered a mass bank runs for the same reason, in turn collapsing over 16,000 banks enabling the conspiring international bankers to not only buy up rival banks at the discount but to also buy up whole corporations at pennies on the dollar. It was the greatest robbery in American history.
But it didn’t stop there. Rather than expanding the money supply, which would help the nation recover from this economic collapse the Fed actually contracted it, fuelling one of the largest depressions in history. Once again outraged, Congressman Louis McFadden, a long time opponent of the banking cartels began bringing impeachment proceedings against the Federal Reserve Board.

Saying of the crash and depression: “It was a carefully contrived occurrence, international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair, so that they might emerge the rulers of us all.” -Louis McFadden Not surprisingly, and after two previous assassination attempts, McFadden was poisoned at a banquet before he could push for the impeachment.

Now, having rid society of the squaller McFadden, the Federal Reserve bankers decided that the gold standard should be removed. In order to do this, they needed to acquire the remaining gold in the system. So, under the pretense of “helping to end the depression”, came the 1933 gold seizure. Under the threat of imprisonment for 10 years everyone in America was required to turn in all gold bullion to the Treasury, essentially robbing the public of what little wealth they had left. And at the end of 1933 the gold standard was abolished. If you look at a dollar bill from before 1933 it says it is redeemable in gold. You look at the dollar bill today, it says it is legal tender which means it is backed by absolutely nothing. It is worthless paper. The only thing that gives our money value is how much of it is in circulation. Therefore, the power to regulate the money supply is also the power to regulate its value which is also the power to bring entire economies and societies to its knees.

“Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” -Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Founder of Rothschild Banking Dynasty.

It’s important to clearly understand, the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. It is about as “federal” as Federal Express. It makes its own policies and is under virtually no regulation by the US Government. It is a private bank that loans all the currency at interest to the Government, completely consistent with the fraudulent central banking model that the country sought to escape from when it declared independence in the American revolutionary war.”

March 2, 2009 Posted by | Bad Ideas/Moves, Economic news | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

This Lady Makes Sense…Change That Will Work!

February 26, 2009 Posted by | Good Ideas | , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Quote of the Day…by Alexis de Tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville quote from over a hundred years ago:

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

February 11, 2009 Posted by | Quotes | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Preacher and his Son’s Career Choice…

An old country preacher had a teenage son, and it was getting time the boy should give some thought to choosing a profession. Like many young men his age, the boy didn’t really know what he wanted to do, and he didn’t seem too concerned about it. One day, while the boy was away at school, his father decided to try an experiment. He went into the boy’s room and placed on his study table four objects.Finally, he picked up the Bible and placed it under his arm. He picked up the silver dollar and dropped into his pocket. He uncorked the bottle and took a big drink, while he admired this month’s centerfold.

1. A bible.
2. A silver dollar.
3. A bottle of whiskey.
4. And a Playboy magazine.

“I’ll just hide behind the door,” the old preacher said to himself.”When he comes home from school today, I’ll see which object he picks up. If it’s the bible, he’s going to be a preacher like me, and what a blessing that would be! If he picks up the dollar, he’s going to be a business man, and that would be okay, too. But if he picks up the bottle, he’s going to be a no-good drunken bum, and Lord, what a shame that would be. And worst of all if he picks up that magazine he’s going to be a skirt-chasing womanizer.”

The old man waited anxiously, and soon heard his son’s foot-steps as he entered the house whistling and headed for his room. The boy tossed his books on the bed, and as he turned to leave the room he spotted the objects on the table. With curiosity in his eye, he walked over to inspect them.

Finally, he picked up the Bible and placed it under his arm. He picked up the silver dollar and dropped into his pocket. He uncorked the bottle and took a big drink, while he admired this month’s centerfold.

“Lord have mercy,” the old preacher disgustedly whispered. “He’s gonna ……………… run for Congress!

December 5, 2008 Posted by | Funnies | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment