
Peace, Love, Joy, and Imagination…

What the Canada Free Press says about Americans…

This article was taken from the Canada Free Press newspaper…

Doesn’t mean I agree with it, but I am willing to view other ideas…remember what Patrick Henry said.

310 million Americans have allowed 546 political pigs in Washington DC to completely destroy the greatest nation ever known to mankind. The people didn’t destroy the nation themselves, even though they will be the ones who will have to pick up the pieces and start all over, once it all comes unhinged… But they have allowed it.
We have one president, one vice president, nine Supreme Court justices’, 435 members of the people’s House and 100 US senators. That’s 546 people responsible for forcing 310 million Americans into the proverbial soup line, where 546 political pigs hope Americans will choose global secular socialism as a lesser evil to a complete socio-economic meltdown.
What are the People Thinking?

What makes 310 million Americans feel like they are held hostage by 546 political thugs? Why are modern Americans afraid of self-governance? Why are freedom and liberty no longer worth fighting for in the land of the free and home of the brave? The Founders would be taking us all to the woodshed for what we have allowed to happen in this country…
I don’t care what political party you think you belong to. If you are not willing to stand and fight for personal freedom and individual liberty, the fundamental unalienable rights which our Founders established as gifts from our Creator, then you my friend are NOT American…
If you are American, then no matter what party you think represents you in Washington DC, I’m here to tell you that nobody in Washington DC represents you today. We have 546 idiots running legislative roughshod over 310 million American citizens and it appears that the average American has either not figured this out yet, has no idea what to do about it, or has entirely lost their will to be free.
Which Straw will be the Last?

Every American needs to read the facts about how we got in this mess and who put us here. On January 28, 2009, I released a column titled Congressional Democrats Bankrupted the Nation. If you don’t know this already, then read the column. That’s why I wrote it; so that American citizens would know what went wrong and who is really responsible for it. If you don’t know who or what is wrong, you can’t fix it.
It took leftists just under a hundred years to accomplish it. You have only days or weeks to reverse it… and you are working against massive odds, or so it would seem according to the leftwing propaganda press. I’m not sure how 546 thugs and pigs have an upper hand over 310 million American’s, but that’s what they tell me… 310 million wimps, sure, – but American’s, no…
In case you have not noticed, the Obamanation is not trying to stimulate the recovery of the free market economy. That’s why every move they have made since taking control of the fed has driven the free market economy right off the cliff. It is global Marxism they seek to stimulate, with your assets, and investors know it even if you don’t!
No, Obama and company have not made a single mistake since taking office. They have not skipped a single beat in their evil march towards global Marxism. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is at the White House today, carrying with him a plan for US led international socialism, all at the expense of American sovereignty, security, freedom and prosperity.
US Unemployment is shooting through the roof and you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

Your new “no earmark” Resident-in-Chief has already agreed to 9000 pork barrel earmarks in his first annual budget. That was easy! And that’s in addition to his trillion dollars in socialist earmark spending fraudulently disguised as a “stimulus package.”
In the 40 days since Obama was sworn into office, Obamanation fiscal policies have cost American citizens trillions in new tax debt and trillions more in life savings. The DOW has lost another 20% of its value just since Obama set up his crib at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
If you are wondering where the bottom is, it is somewhere around 3000, not the 6800 it is today, according to investment experts currently running for cover in search of free foreign markets moving towards capitalism, instead of away from it.
What do you think the US unemployment rate will be when the DOW hits 5000, then 4000 and then 3000? Refer to my column Congressional Democrats Bankrupted the Nation if you care to know the real truth about how we got here. How we get out of here is not nearly so clear now.
If you bought the campaign lie that Obamanation would never come after your guns, you had better take a look at H.R. 45 real soon! Study how England removed guns from the hands of honest citizens and then see how citizens of England feel about that today. Obamanation is on the same path.
My name is “change” – How do you like me now?

Had enough yet? Your dollar is worth .35 cents and it will soon be worth less than a dime. Your 401k savings are now worth less than half of what they were worth one year ago and in the coming weeks and months, they will be worth even less.
Your home is worth at best 75% of what it was worth a year ago, thanks to “toxic” mortgages put in place by guess who? That’s right, congressional Democrats. The stock market is down not only due to “toxic” stocks backed by “toxic” mortgages. It’s continuing down because private investors will never invest in a government run economy which seeks only to enrich itself, stupid!
It took congressional Democrats almost a hundred years to spend American taxpayers into the first trillion dollars in debt, despite ever increasing federal taxation that went from 5% of GDP to 40% of GDP during the NEW DEAL 20th century.
Obamanation has quadrupled that debt during their first 40 days in power! And, just in case you missed the daily headline of the last 40 days, your trillions in new tax debt has only made matters worse.
What are 310 million people thinking?

In Obamessiah Global Socialism, the government now trusts. Not in you, the average American!
According to Plunkett Research, American home ownership hit an all time high of 68.1% at the end of 2007. More than 2 of 3 American families were able to live the dream of homeownership.
Total outstanding US mortgage balances were only $14.8 trillion dollars and according to all reports, less than 10% of those mortgages are “toxic,” or, $1.48 trillion dollars worth.
If it were the people politicians trusted, the fed could have paid off all $1.48 trillion in “toxic” loans for less money than they just spent on their wish list of leftist entitlement programs, including $4 billion to the criminal thug organization, ACORN.
If “toxic” mortgages were the only problem and we were seeking a real solution to the impending economic meltdown of the world’s most prosperous nation, Washington DC would have directly addressed these mortgages instead of going on a Marxist spending spree, leaving American homeowners headed for foreclosure and falling property values.
The American people are kidding themselves to think any other way…
546 Thugs and Pigs run this Place?

Are you kidding me? While Obama throws hip-hop parties, buys his wife top shelf designer gowns, flies across the country in your jet just to sign a bill you don’t even want, drives your country off an economic cliff and even goes so far as to discourage private charitable donations so that he can control who gets that money too, you sit on your hands like you have no say in these matters?
Are Americans terminally stupid, or are they just plain ole cowards?
Of the people, by the people, for the people, my eye! Tell me how many of the 546 Washington dimwits actually represent the people today? How many represent you?
Why do you think that 310 million Americans are powerless against 546 political pigs currently rushing to destroy your country?
And the only people protesting in the streets are Obama-fools duped hook, line and sinker into believing Al Gore’s Global Warming Swindle, through which Gore himself has pocketed millions in his Carbon Deposit Offset scam?
3000 march on the coldest day of the year to protest alleged global warming. 200 march to protest a very real runaway federal government. What? Say that again?
Home of the Brave, huh!

America is a land full of cowards in search of a free-ride, nothing more. We have a government of children, for children. America is more like the land of the village idiot and home of the defenseless coward today. I am ashamed!
I am ashamed that hundreds of thousands of decent Americans have volunteered to put on a uniform and die for freedom and liberty, just so that cowardly civilians back home, could toss it all away from the comfort of their Lazy Boy recliner in the end.
Globalization has already failed, in case you haven’t noticed. The entire world is in economic meltdown. But that doesn’t even provide a moment’s hesitation in Obamanation’s plan to globalize some more.
For more than 230 years, America was the one nation on earth that fed a globe full of nations unable to feed themselves under some variety of socialism or communism. Today, America is on the verge of not being able to feed itself and the rest of the world is in even worse shape.
When America can no longer feed itself, who will feed the world then? The people we have been feeding for the last 200 years or so?
Americans had better wake up and grow the peaches to take their nation back while there is still a nation to take back. I have never met a politician I trusted 100%. Up until now, I’ve always relied upon my fellow Americans to right all wrongs.
Where are those Americans now?

By the way… While you are busy losing your savings, your jobs and your homes, federal employees will get a 3.9% pay increase this year and no private citizen has benefits equal to the federal employ they pay for!
My name is “change.” How do you like me now?

If you’re still not sure how we got here and where we are headed, take a moment to look at how the left has run major US cities into the ground. Start with America’s greatest proletariat city, Detroit… Detroit’s outlook falls along with home prices!
The folks who ran Detroit and Chicago into the ground now run the nation. Unless and until, you are truly ready to take your nation back!
How did 310 million American’s come to fear 546 idiots so deeply? I’ll never figure that one out!

March 9, 2009 Posted by | Economic news | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Quote of the Day…by Alexis de Tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville quote from over a hundred years ago:

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

February 11, 2009 Posted by | Quotes | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Quotes of the Day

“I finally met the perfect woman, a fact I can’t ignore, she’s deaf and dumb and over sexed, and owns a liquor store.”

“Take good care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

“The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.”

“Courtesy and Tolerance………Courtesy begets Tolerance and Tolerance begets Courtesy.”

“A man’s got to know his limitations.” Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry

“Never put your motorcycle where your brain hasn’t already been.”

“Remember people……It’s just your opinion.”

Then, “Atlas Shrugged…”
In the world of Atlas Shrugged, society stagnates when independent productive achievers began to be socially demonized and even punished for their accomplishments, even though society had been far more healthy and prosperous by allowing, encouraging and rewarding self-reliance and individual achievement. Independence and personal happiness flourished to the extent that people were free, and achievement was rewarded to the extent that individual ownership of private property was strictly respected. The hero, John Galt, lives a life of laissez-faire capitalism as the only way to live consistent with his beliefs.

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t go fishin’ with the man”.

 “Lord thy sea is so great, my ship is so small.”

“The inherent vice of capitalism is the uneven division of blessings, while the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal division of misery.” Churchill

“All women are beautiful, and some are more beautiful than others.”

“Live for today, plan for the weekend……….”

“Life is a Journey. Enjoy it. You only get one.”

“A person 20 years old who is not a liberal has no heart, a person 40 years old who is not a conservative has no brain.”

“The toss doesn’t matter if you can’t see both sides of the coin.”

“get your motor running / head out on the highway / lookin’ for adventure / in whatever comes our way.”
“Born to Be Wild”

“The Biological purpose of pain is to prevent the recurrence of Stupidity.”

“blue jean baby LA lady she married a music man Ballerina you must have seen her dancing in the sand”- Elton John

“Karma is a beautiful thing.”

“If it’s got gears, electronics, or ****…it’s GONNA give guys problems.”

“There’s such a fine line between clever and stupid.”

“How hard can it be?” What people usually say before they do something really, really stupid.

“Annoy a liberal… prosperous and happy.”

“Broke but Stress-Free.”


“I’m proud to say, I AM an American and a Christian. Born and bred Texan!!!
True to God, and the Red, White, and Blue!!!”

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart……..

Where else can you:
Work for a Jewish man ?
Drive an American made car/truck (heco en Mexico)?
Work with an African American ?
Ride a Japanese bike ?
Eat at a Italian restaurant ?
Shoot Belgian guns at Canadian birds ?
Buy gas from an Arab ?
Press 2 for Spanish ?
Drink Russian vodka ?
Marry a fine German woman ? What a great country we do live in.

“So young, so angry…”

“America is not perfect…and never has been. Still, I challenge you to find a better nation on Earth.”

“PBR = Pabst Blue Ribbon beer… It has been getting ugly people laid for years in the USA.”

“Talking to you is like talking to my ex wife. So focused on trying to get your point across that you don’t listen to a voice of reason.”

“Education is not a substitute for common sense and leadership abilities.”

“Tolerance is the virtue of a man without principles.” G. K. Chesterson

“Quit playing games. Forget about it and move on.”

“Why is common sense not so common?”

“Do not throw sticks at the three legged dog. It will think you are playing.”

“Sorry for being so brutal, but you needed a slap back into reality.”

“There’s a fine line between enjoying the scenery and the road.”

“I’m much better looking on-line.”

“Looks like it’s… Showtime!”

“There’s nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.” Goethe

“You’re excused. I see where you’re from.”

“Stop drinkin” the Koolaid! You’re freakin’ me out!”

December 3, 2008 Posted by | Quotes | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment